Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Is Wall Stadium Really Planning on Doing This, Saturday ?

  I need to preface this by saying I love Wall Stadium, and try to be as positive a supporter as possible. However, when they schedule something like they have for this upcoming Saturday night's program, I have to call them on it.
  Wall Stadium will be presenting a 50-lap feature event for their Street Stocks, this Saturday. That's not really a bad thing, I for one enjoy the action they provide most weeks, and I think the younger fans really enjoy them.
  What I cannot figure out is why they would ever even consider running time trials for the division. Street Stocks are good when there are many of them bouncing off each other, however, one at a time on the track ? Wake me when they are done.
  For a track that already races too deep into the night, the last thing they need is Street Stock time trials. Hopefully the officials will realize what a bad idea this is, and save the fans from a boring half-hour of screeching tires, all to set a field that will be completely jumbled by the time they make it back to the line.

1 comment:

  1. it will not take a half hour for time trials , as they will only have 12-14 cars...
